German Shepherd Puppies |
Terms & Conditions |
of Payment: Reservations are taken on a first
come basis. An advance of Rs 5000/- is required to reserve
your German Shepherd puppy. Remaining balance is due 5
days prior to picking up or shipping. Please note that
our German Shepherd pups are often booked before the litter
arrives, so be sure to secure your pup as soon as possible.
You will be able to select your German Shepherd puppy
at 6 weeks of age. For your convenience you can pay by
direct deposit in the mentioned Bank Account or by mailing
us a personal check or money order. The shipping is not
included in the price of the puppy and is an additional
charge. Shipping is due with final payment.The deposit
is non – refundable unless we are unable to provide
you with a healthy puppy. |
- We also guarantee for the
German Shepherd pups health and that they leave the
premises in good health, with no debilitating diseases
or conditions.
- It is also your responsibility
to have the German Shepherd puppy examined by a Government
Veterinarian within forty - eight hours on landing
to confirm that the puppy is indeed healthy.
- Kingsland Kennels
guarantees its customers for a replacement only in
case of hip dysplasia.
free to read through our collection of German Shepherd
Articles, an all inclusive guide, categorized by specific
subjects, to enlighten the minds and to captivate the
hearts of those who love this all majestic, dignified,
best companion, ‘the ancestral herding breed’
now known as ‘GERMAN SHEPHERD DOGS’. |
at Kingsland Kennels, deem it a pleasure to cater to your
needs and to your satisfaction and provide you with a
total package on information of this breeds acclamation
for its versatility, renowned for its intelligence, and
beloved for its devotion and loyalty to its owner.
A word of precaution to those of you, who find German
Shepherd puppies at the local Shelter/ puppy mills/ Pet
shops. Keep in mind that these German Shepherd puppies
are probably not well bred and are at a higher risk for
health and temperament problems. A reference to temperament
is made because these dogs often have had no socialization
and have spent their lives in cages, many could be beyond
rehabilitation. They are also a bit more of a gamble in
terms of their potential temperaments because you have
no way of knowing the temperaments of the parents. |
Shepherd Puppy Care |
We at Kingsland
Kennels congratulate you for adopting the most trusted
companion, the German Shepherd Puppy. The affection which
you develop with your German Shepherd Puppy can not be
translated in words. It can be best described by your
special care to your German Shepherd Puppy. We are here
to give you the guidance towards the better care of your
German Shepherd Puppy. |
Pet Lover congratulation on your new German Shepherd Puppy
arrival! |
You have carried
your German Shepherd Puppy to its new home where it will
be experiencing unfamiliar environment full of new happenings. |
keep in mind |
You are taking
German Shepherd Puppy away from its mother, littermate
and all its familiar surroundings and at its new home
it will stimuli in terms of sight, smells and noises.
This can be challenging and you need to take utmost care
during this early period to avoid any negative influence
of new unfamiliar surroundings. |
home of the German Shepherd Puppy - Important preparations |
- Keep the same diet or food which is recommended by us
or a Veterinarian. |
- One bowl for food and one bowl for water. Go for heavy
bowls that are less likely to tip over (Preferably Ceramic). |
- Preferably a comfortable basket with walls so that German
Shepherd Puppy feels protected and secure. Line it with
blankets. |
Gate - Useful to stop German Shepherd Puppy going
into certain rooms in your house. |
or Kennel - When human needs some time out. |
and Lead - Use a short lead and a light, soft,
fixed size collar. |
kit toys. |
first few nights in your home |
On the
first few nights your German Shepherd Puppy will
be very apprehensive as they will be accustomed to constant
company. Leaving them alone will usually result in crying
and barking. So it is advisable that they should be with
their owners at night until they are habituated to being
alone. Initially keep the puppy basket in the lounge in
the day and at night next to your bed. put a warm water
bottle under the blankets. After a few days start to move
the basket nearer the door and finally outside of the
bedroom and into the place where you wish the German Shepherd
Puppy to sleep permanently. |
and habituation |
Learning to
have pleasant experience when meeting and coming in contact
with wide range of stimuli. Socialize your German Shepherd
Puppy from arrival by using Sounds Sociable therapy Programme.
This will ensure that your pup is being exposed to everyday
stimuli during the critical socialization period (6 -
12 week), as during this period the puppy cannot leave
the home as it is not yet fully vaccinated. By doing so
your German Shepherd Puppy will grow up to be friendly
and happy with people and other animals, resulting in
a well adjusted adult dog that can be taken anywhere. |
your German Shepherd Puppy alone at the home |
Ideally create
a place for your German Shepherd Puppy to be confined
when you are away, where there is a clear bed area and
a temporary toilet area. Creating two separate areas is
very important as puppies can not hold on for very long
when needing the toilet and do not like soiling in their
bed. Confining them will reinforce the feeling of security
and reduce destructive behavior (make sure that you have
lot of chewable toys to keep puppies occupied). While
leaving do not give added attention, it can give a too
big contrast between you being there and not being there.
Sudden isolation after lots of attention is confusing
and worrying for your German Shepherd Puppy. On returning
briefly greet your puppy without too much excitement.
Reward their good behavior once they have settled down.
Do not punish your German Shepherd Puppy if it has been
naughty, it will not understand. |
your German Shepherd Puppy out of the house for vaccination |
Your puppy will
have restricted contact (no walking in public places where
there is risk of infection) until after their vaccination
course. During this period get them used to walking on
collar and lead in your garden/ house at the same time
carry them in different surroundings to introduce them
to lots of new and different stimuli including vaccinated
dogs. |
your German Shepherd Puppy out of the house after vaccination |
At approximately
13 weeks of age your puppy will be allowed to walk outside
where it will experience new stimuli, sights and smells
which may be non - frightening. |
your German Shepherd Puppy to Children |
Supervise encounters
between your puppy and children at all times. Let them
approach the children in its own time; never force them
if they are not confident. If puppy becomes anxious or
frightened at any point, stop the meeting and take them
to somewhere quiet to recover. Keep children calm. Excitable
children means over - excited or apprehensive puppy. Give
treat ONLY when puppy is calm and behaving appropriately.
Do not let your puppy to do anything to children that
you would not like him to do to an adult i.e. chasing,
nipping and jumping up. |
training |
Begin as early
as possible, taking them out on a regular basis to a designated
spot in the garden. You will need to take them out every
2 hours and after eating, sleeping or resting, playing
and after any excitement. Stay with them while outside
and allow them to run around and sniff. Gently praise
them when they finish going to the toilet. Keep a watchful
eye on them at all times while inside the house if they
start to: Whine; walk about looking uncomfortable and
look as though they are concentrating something else;
circle and sniff the ground. |
How do I know
my German Shepherd Puppy has worms? |
Worms are not
always easy to detect in your pet. The only way to be
sure is to get the test of the feces under the guidance
of vet to analyze for the presence of worm eggs. however,
some of the common signs that may suggest your pet has
worm include:
Pale gum
A pot - bellied look (especially in puppies)
White segments in faeces
Dull coat
Weight loss despite of good appetite
Pet scoots around on his bottom. |
often should I deworm my German Shepherd Puppy ? |
Strategic deworming
with total all in one dewormer is a practice recommended
by most veterinarians. Take the vet consultancy before
deworming your pet. You can start deworming according
to body weight at 2 weeks; repeat at 4, 6, 8 and 12 weeks
of age. Then monthly until the puppy is six month old.
Thereafter deworm at intervals of 3 months. Adult
dog - Treat regularly every 3 months. also monitor
and eliminate parasites in your pet environment (flea
control) Newly acquired animals
- Deworm immediately with a total all in one worm treatment.
to control worms |
Keep the area
clean where your German Shepherd Puppy sleeps including
kennels. Regularly remove faces or dirt from the pet surroundings.
Adopt a comprehensive flea control program suggested by
vet. Avoid feeding your dog raw meat or offal (offal must
be boiled for 30 minutes before feeding to pets). Adopt
control measures for intermediate host of worm such as
rat and mice. Ensure that your family members wash their
hand each time after playing with pet. Prevent the pet
licking your face. |
treatment |
Prevention is
always best. The importance of prevention in the control
of intestinal worms in dogs and cats should not be underestimated.
Some worms that infect pets can pose a significant risk
to human health. Children who are often close to family
pets, are most at risk. Deworming your German Shepherd
Puppy regularly will help to prevent intestinal worm from
causing health problems in your pet and family members. |
will it affect my family? |
larvae or eggs can be ingested - the larvae of
hookworms can also penetrate the surface of human skin.
If ingested these can cause severe infections, abdominal
discomfort, diarrhea, and itching in the anal area. If
the larvae penetrate through man skin (usually through
bare feet) and migrate through it lesion will appear under
the skin and in some cases can break open at the skin
surface. In severe cases, the larvae may make their way
through the skin and enter deeper tissue causing lung
disease and painful muscles. To prevent human infection,
good hygiene is extremely important. Teach children especially,
to wash their hands after playing with pet. Do not let
the children to play in the areas where dogs and cats
have defecated. deworm your pet with good quality broad
spectrum dewormer (consult to your vet). |
with your German Shepherd Puppy in car |
Create a pleasant
association with the car i.e. play with the puppy, give
small bit of food. Place puppy on a soft, non slippery
and absorbent bedding. Short journey initially are the
best, building them up gradually. allow puppy to settle
in the car for few minutes before driving away. Always
close doors without slamming and do not start the engine
until puppy is inside the car. Exhaust fumes and engine
noise can be very frightening. Drive considerably avoiding
bumps and corners. |
to Veterinarian |
Visiting to
vet will be a routine event for most dogs, at least yearly
for vaccination. Some dogs/ puppies may need to attend
more frequently increasing the chance of challenging experiences
occurring such as, regular examinations, hospitalization
and meeting strangers. These may then be linked to the
location and cause fearful association. It is always recommended
to take veterinarian advice on all the matter related
to your German Shepherd Puppy. |
means protection |
Just like humans,
dogs need protection from certain infections. The majority
of us are vaccinated against serious infectious diseases.
So it is fair to vaccinate our pets as well. Vaccination
is very economical way to protect your pet against diseases,
and it also helps to control the spread of diseases in
the animal community. |
vaccination care |
Your pet might
be little uncomfortable after vaccination and you may
notice slight swelling at the vaccination site. More serious
reactions should be immediately reported to your veterinarian.
To ensure ongoing protection, we recommend you to revaccinate
your pet every year. |
your pet can be protected from vaccination |
Distemper - Highly contagious. Symptoms include
loss of appetite, runny eyes and nose, vomiting, coughing
and nervous signs. Treatment usually fails. Survivors
usually have nerve damage. Canine Hepatitis
- A highly contagious disease mainly of younger dogs,
causing fever, abdominal pain and hemorrhages. Sudden
death can occur. Survivors may have permanent kidney damage.
jaundice and blue eye may occur. Canine Parvovirus
- Highly contagious, causing sudden vomiting and diarrhea.
Parvovirus is most severe in puppies and can be fatal.
Kennel cough - A complex highly contagious
disease, seldom fatal. Coughing can last for 10 weeks.
Components of the disease which may be vaccinated against
Canine Para influenza virus
Canine Adenovirus type 2 Canine Leptospirosis
- A severe liver and kidney disease, fatal in over 50%
cases. It is primarily caused by L.icterohaemorrhagiae
and L.Canicola. Symptoms include high fever jaundice,
vomiting and sore muscle. Dogs with Leptospirosis are
often found to have been in areas where rats are infected.
Human can catch Leptospirosis from infected dogs and other
species. Rabies - A highly fatal
viral disease of canine and other warm blooded animals.
it is transmitted from one dog to another through bite
or through direct contact with saliva of rabid dog. Rabid
dog can transmit this infection to human either through
bite or through direct contact with saliva. Special care
should be taken when children play with unvaccinated puppies.
This disease can be prevented by vaccinating the puppies
and dogs. |
in Kennels |
It is not recommended
to board puppies before 6 months of age. It is known that
puppies under this age are more inclined to develop a
fearful association with stimuli. Especially as they will
be away from their familiar surroundings. After 6 months
of age puppies are less susceptible but will still be
experiencing new stimuli and environments and may find
them unnerving. |
your German Shepherd Puppy - some tips |
It is recommended
to give bath to your dog in quite and comfortable environment.
If necessary use lukewarm water to wet the whole body
surface thoroughly (area under belly, neck, the legs and
feet). A sponge can be used to wet the skin of the face.
Apply coat cleanser (soap or shampoo) all over the body
surface to produce good lather (read the label instruction
of soap/shampoo). Take care around the face area to avoid
eyes, nose, mouth and ears). Leave the lather on the dog
for 5 - 10 min (as per label instruction). It allows active
ingredient of soap/ shampoo to work. While waiting engage
the dog in some activity. Thoroughly rinse the coat to
remove all lather. Thoroughly dry your dog using hand
towel. After drying gently comb the hair. |
German Shepherd Puppies skin |
Dogs have very
different skin and hair growth pattern compared to humans.
Your German Shepherd Puppies skin is thinner and more
sensitive compared to human skin. That's why you should
be very careful while selecting any skin care products
for dogs. It is always advisable to use only those skin
care products which are adapted to German Shepherd Puppies
skin. You may also consult your veterinarian for more
information. |
Smell' |
It is normal
for the German Shepherd Puppy to have certain degree of
odor. However many times odor can increase to become offensive.
Using soap/ shampoo with anti - odor complex can resolve
such problem. Some odor is related to underlying problem.
Odour around the head may be due to oral or dental problems,
or ear infections. Generalized odor may be due to seborrhoeic
skin condition or skin infection. If you observe any offensive
odor, immediately consult your veterinarian. |
from External Parasites - Ticks, Mites, Lice and Fleas |
These external
parasites are present on dog's coat, inside the ear and
in the environment where dog lives. Ticks, lice and fleas
are visible for naked eyes while mites are not visible
with naked eye. It is always recommended to examine the
dog's skin for the presence of external parasites. These
parasites feed on the animal's blood or skin tissues.
So infested dog becomes anaemic with patchy skin lesions.
if you see any such sign consult your vet immediately.
Apart from causing damage to your dog's coat, these parasites
also act as carrier for many diseases and some tape of
worms. |
from External Parasites - Ticks, Mites, Lice and fleas |
To protect your
dog from these external parasites it is important to keep
the environment free from ticks, mites, lice and fleas.
There are some products available in the market which
can keep your German Shepherd Puppy free from these external
parasites for many months just after single application.
They are in the form of collar or topical spray. Consult
your vet for more information. |
- dental hygiene |
good oral hygiene is necessary as the dogs frequently
suffer from periodontal diseases if not taken care. it
may result in the foul and offensive smell from the mouth
of your dog. There is frequent deposition of plaques on
the surface of teeth, which need to be removed regularly
otherwise it may result in infection (periodical diseases).
Regular brushing of the teeth is helpful in removing the
plaques. Use of the product aimed at chewing is proved
to be useful in preventing plaque formation and overall
oral hygiene. Consult your vet for more information. |
Requirements of your German Shepherd Puppy |
The nutrition
requirement of your German Shepherd Puppy varies with
age and sex. It is necessary to provide the balanced diet
to your pet to fulfill its nutritional requirements. Your
dog can be given home made food or ready made food available
in the market. It is very important to seek the expert
advice (your veterinarian) before selecting diet plan
for your German Shepherd Puppy. Nutritional feed supplements
like cod liver oil, minerals and vitamins supplements
are recommended to prevent any possible deficiency of
these nutrients. |
Shepherd Puppy Training |
Start your training the
moment your german shepherd puppy comes home. |
Always give your german
shepherd dog a treat when you call him to you. |
Train before meals or when
your german shepherd dog is relaxed |
Your german shepherd puppy
was bred for extreme trainability so limit your
training to under 5 minutes (short and sweet). |
A daily routine builds
good learning habits. |
Always end on a high note,
when the german shepherd puppy has done what you
asked right. |
Do not overtrain. Your
german shepherd puppy will lose interest and not
retain what it did learn. |
Praise, praise, praise. |
Training up until a year
of age is all motivational. We start with food.
Vienna hot dogs cut in little pieces. There are
lost of training treats available at pet markets.
Just make sure that whatever you do get it must
be in tiny pieces for the training or your german
shepherd dog will be so busy eating the biscuit
that you won’t have time for the training.
You want your german shepherd puppy to quickly eat
the treat and immediately after look at you for
more. |
Hold your treat up by your
face so that the german shepherd puppy will learn
to look you in the eye. If you don’t have
your puppies attention your puppy will not learn. |
Always use a quiet area
with few distraction or interruptions. |
Only one person at a time
should train. Children should always be supervised
by a knowledgeable adult. |
Consistancy counts. I will
spend 2 weeks alone on sit. Twice a day for a few
minutes. After the german shepherd puppy is good
with the sit, I will turn my back, call the pup
and generally the puppy will come around to my front
and sit directly infront of me. |
Stay and down are negative
commands and I generally don’t work on them
until the german shepherd dog is older. However
you can teach the down easily with food so it is
not associated with negative training. |
Heeling can be taught by
holding a treat/toy infront of the german shepherd
dogs face as he walks on the left side of you. The
dog will associate you with food and keep his eyes
on you instead of everything else that is out there. |
Never hit or shout at your
german shepherd dog for not obeying a command. |
Harsh corrections can result
in fear and aggression – both are counter
productive to learning. |
If your german shepherd
dog misbehaves, he should be reprimanded consistenly
and immediately. A firm, verbal rebuke is enough.
Don’t rebuke your dog for doing something
you didn’t see at the moment. |
sit: |
Hold the treat
so the dog looks up to get it. As the dog tips its head
up it will they will automatically sit. Consistency of
working this way with the sit will produce the response
on command. |
down: |
Command your
dog to ‘sit’, then sit down in front of him.
Hold a small piece of food in front of his nose. As you
command ‘down’, move the food down to the
ground so his nose follows it. If he need help, put.
Your hand on his shoulders and guide them down. When he
is lying down, praise him and give him the treat. You
can also push the treat between your german shepherd puppy’s
front legs, as he tried to follow it his back end will
slide into a down position. Praise him and give him the
reward. |
(hear) come: |
From the very
first day you bring your german shepherd puppy into the
house he should be given a treat every time you call him
to you. After your puppy learns the sit you can combine
the ‘come’ with the ‘sit’ and
then give the treat/reward. And always lots of praise
and excitement when your dog comes to you. Never, never
call your dog to you for punishment. Never use his name
negatively. If you instill in your dogs from day one that
it is exciting and rewarding to come to you he will sail
through his teenage stage eagerly wanting to please you.
This could also save your dogs life to know that he is
100% on the recall.
I recommend once you have these commands working smoothly
with your dog that you join a local obedience club and
work on putting all of this together in a routine so you
can be a team. This is usually after the teenage stay
and about 13 – 14 months of age. |
training: |
We create train
all puppies from the day that they are weaned. My advice
to you when you start is to put the german shepherd puppy
in the crate and then take the whole family to the movies
so you won’t have to listen to him throw a temper
tantrum. They get use to it quickly. Do not take the puppy
out if he is throwing fit. Once your german shepherd puppy
gets use to it you will be able to tell when he has to
go to the bathroom…his cry will be much different. |
Shepherd Puppies Available in Following Cities |